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How can we help you?
Experience a surge of power and performance with the Roots Booster, designed specifically for typical harsh applications. This innovative rotary equipment optimizes your backing pump performance, delivering a best possible overall pumping speed as combined vacuum skid. Considering an enhanced pumping speed and a decade vacuum higher for your future requirements, the twin lobe vacuum booster is easy to install and compatible with various type of backing vacuum pump.
• Improved performance with right backing pump.
• Coating on the rotors available as optional
• Designed to operate to mechanical noise less than 8 dB(A)
• Bareshaft and direct-drive with a range from 1800 to 3600 rpm
• Water - Cooled end plates as optional available.
• Dynamicaly balanced rotors and large diameter shafts
• Increased pumping speed
• Higher staging ratio
• Extended oil, bearing, gear and shaft seal life
• Enhanced total volumteric flowrate and enhanced vacuum performance.
• Suitable to all backing vacuum pumps
• Horizontal and Vertical mountable options available
• Available with direct drive, gear box and belt drive
• High performance in high vacuum applications
• VFD compatible motors helps to control the speed
• Advance shaft seal system hellps protect the gears and bearing from process vapors
• Make in India boosters suits to wide range of applications
• Suitable for the applications like chemical, Oil & Gas, Pharmaceuticals, Petrochemicals, Composite manufacturing, food processing, Vacuum furnaces, food processing and many other general industrial applications.
• Volume flow up to 10000 m3/hr
• Maximum differential pressure up to 65 mbar
Elmo Rietschle Industrial Solutions
Elmo Rietschle is a leading manufacturer of industrial vacuum pumps and compressed air technologies. Founded on a commitment to engineering excellence, our extensive product portfolio is engineered to meet the demanding needs of industrial operations. Our solutions are crafted with precision and utilize the latest technologies to ensure maximum performance and durability. Explore how Elmo Rietschle can transform your industrial processes with our cutting-edge portfolio of innovative solutions. Join the many industries that rely on our products for their air and gas handling needs and experience the difference that quality and expertise can make.