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Czech Republic (CS)
IFFA 2022 - Find your Perfect Partner for Food Processing and Packaging
Hall 11 Stand E30
Inženýrský vývoj v konstrukci rotačních lamelových vývěv od společnosti Elmo Rietschle
Elmo Rietschle supports vital medical equipment for new Wuhan hospital
Společnost Gardner Denver představuje na veletrhu K špičková vakuová a nízkotlaká řešení
Stand B41, Hall 10, Düsseldorf, 16-23 October 2019
Five point pump checklist; Avoid potential issues that can arise with oil lubricated machines
Elmo Rietschle unveils new oil-free claw vacuum pump
The compact, air-cooled pump extends the leading global manufacturer’s comprehensive Elmo Rietschle range of vacuum solutions for a wide range of industries and applications.
Gardner Denver showcases leading vacuum solutions at IFFA
Gardner Denver will be showcasing its extensive range of vacuum solutions for the food packaging and processing industry from its Elmo Rietschle brand at this year’s IFFA exhibition.
Cheap doesn’t always deliver best value
Alexander Hippmann, Gardner Denver’s Key Account Manager for Food & Packaging in Germany believes that if food manufacturers and OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) considered more than just the immediate costs of purchasing vacuum packaging equipment they could reap the benefits down the line.
Elmo Rietschle at parts2clean 2018
Get up-close with our industry leading screw vacuum pumps, including our new generation S-VSI 301.
Bezolejová vakuová technologie pro výrobce potravin
Na rozdíl od průmyslových aplikací stlačeného vzduchu, kde existují přísné normy, které určují kvalitu a specifikaci vzduchu používaného během procesu v potravinářském průmyslu.