Carbon Capture Technologies

Complete Vacuum and Low Pressure Solutions for Carbon Capture Projects

We provide comprehensive Blowers, Vacuum Pumps, Gas Treatment and Compressor Solutions for Carbon Capture Technology projects, providing our value in every step of the CCS process, from input gas feed to CO2 end use application.

Our purpose is to help your projects reach their full potential by harnessing many decades of pressure and vacuum expertise and our industry-leading range of rotating equipment technologies.


Our ambition is to help the realisation of Net Zero and make life better for everyone through our total solution provider approach; deploying mission-critical gas blower, vacuum and compressor technology into the sustainable energy sector and setting new industry standards.


Carbon Removal or Direct Air Capture (DAC)

Direct Air Capture and Storage (DAC+S) is a carbon removal solution: it captures CO₂ directly from the air, which is then permanently stored or used as an industrial ingredient. Post combustion capture is the most popular form of carbon capture as fossil fuel power plants can be retrospectively fitted with CCS technology.

Direct Air Capture (DAC) is the process of capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) directly from the atmosphere and generating a stream of carbon dioxide (CO2) for sequestration or utilization for production of carbon-neutral fuel and windgas.

Carbon dioxide is removed when the ambient air makes contact with chemical media, typically sortbents or an aqueous alkaline solvent. The chemical media are subsequently stripped of the carbon dioxide through the application of heat, resulting in dehydration and compression.


Direct Air Carbon Capture and storage Overview

Direct Air Capture Technology

Direct Air Capture technology uses rotating equipment such as vacuum pumps to draw in air from the atmosphere to allow the Carbon within the air to bond to chemicals known as sorbents. The sorbent are then heated to release the captured carbon dioxide.

Direct Air Capture Process Flow Elmo Rietschle

Our Direct Air Capture Capabilities

  Blower & Vacuum  Compressor Gas Treatment  Fluid Handling
 Air Feed Stage 1 Separation        
 Gas Feed to Stage 2 Separation        
CO2 Compression / Liquefaction         
Compressed CO2 to Transport or Storage        
 CO2 Processing at end use application         
Key Ingersoll Rand Technology Input DIrect Air Capture Sustainable Energy

Post-Cobustion Carbon Capture

As the name would suggest, post-combustion capture is the removal of CO2 from fossil fuels after combustion. Carbon is captured from the point of source in the flue gas; typically at fossil fuel power stations. This mature technology is used in a variety of small and medium scale carbon heavy industrial applications. The technology has a huge advantage of being retrofittable to existing systems that produce Carbon. Significantly reducing their CO2 output.

Post combustion carbon capture removes CO2 via Amines ( organic compounds that contain nitrogen atoms with a lone pair). There are many types of amines, with various characteristics relevant to CO2 capture. One such example is monoethanolamine (MEA) which reacts very  strongly with gases that are acidic such as CO2. Monoethanolamine has a fast reaction time which enables it to remove a relatively high proportion of CO2, even in flows that may have a lower CO2 concentration, making it a highly effective option for CO2 removal.


Our Post-combustion Capabilities

  Blower & Vacuum  Compressor Gas Treatment  Fluid Handling
Fuel Feed Air to Combustion Chamber        
Air Feed to Combustion Chamber        
Flue Gas feed to CCS Unit (absorber-stripper)        
CO2 Compression/ Liquefaction        
Compressed CO2 to Transport or Storage         
CO2 Processing at End Use Application (EOR,...)        
Key Ingersoll Rand Technology Input Carbon Capture and Storage

Pre-Combustion Carbon Capture

Pre-combustion capture is the process of removing carbon before combustion is completed. This process is often applied in fossil-fuel power plants or processes that are heavy producers of CO2 such as fertilizer and chemical manufacturing or waste incineration. 

CO2 is captured from the gases in the flue or other point sources. Industrial pre-combustion carbon capture is more widespread and currently used on smaller than would be required in a power plant.

In pre-combustion carbon capture, when the fossil fuel is partially oxidized, for example a gasifier, the CO from the resulting syngas (CO and H2) reacts with added steam (H2O) and is shifted into CO2 and H2. The CO2 can then be captured from a relatively pure exhaust stream. The H2 can be used as fuel; the CO2 is removed before combustion.

There are advantages and disadvantages to pre-combustion versus post combustion capture. CO2 is removed after combustion, but before the flue gas reaches atmospheric pressure. This process is standard and at the same scale as required for power plants in the majority of CO2 capture processes within industrial application.

Key Ingersoll Rand Technology Input Carbon Capture and Storage 2
  Blower & Vacuum  Compressor Gas Treatment  Fluid Handling
Fuel Fee to Gasifier        
Air Separation Unit        
Oxygen Feed to Gasifier        
Nitrogen By-product Processing        
Slag and Ash Pneumatic Transport         
Air and Gas Feed to Turbine        
CO2 Compression/Liquefaction        
Compressed CO2 to Transport or Storage        
CO2 Processing at End Use Application (EOR, ...)        

Oxy-fuel Carbon Capture

Oxy-fuel combustion burns fuel in pure oxygen. In order to limit the flame temperatures to levels seen during more conventional combustion, the cooled flue gas is recirculated and injected into the combustion chamber. The majority of oxy-fuel flue gas consists of water vapour and CO2. The water vapour is condensed through cooling. This results in an almost pure stream of CO2.

Oxy-fuel combustion within Power plant processes can be referred to as "zero emission" cycles. This is due to the fact that the CO2 stored is not a fraction of the amount removed from pre- and post-combustion capture flue gas streams. A small fraction of the CO2 inevitably ends up in the condensed water. To w which will need to be treated or disposed of appropriately to warrant the label "zero emission".

Oxy Fuel Carbon Capture Ingersoll Rand Sustainable Energy

Our Approach to Developing Carbon Capture Technologies

Our technology-agnostic and consultative approach leads to optimal solutions for your carbon capture project, capable of prototype and pilot development for concept validation, evolving into full-scale serial production sizes. Our capabilities range from developing and deploying highly standardized offerings, to creating deeply customized solutions, meeting the most challenging requirements.

Ingersoll Rand has the broadest portfolio of air and gas blower, vacuum and compressor technologies for Carbon Capture applications, covering both Capture-at-Point-Source (post-combustion, pre-combustion and oxy fuel) processes, as Direct Air Capture applications. We have excellent capabilities to develop and introduce new rotating equipment solutions in order to meet the increasingly demanding specifications of the Sustainable Energy marketplace. 

We provide solutions at every step of the carbon capture process.


Webinar | Navigating advanced Carbon Capture Technologies

Learn how our blowers, vacuum pumps, gas treatment systems, and compressors enhance each stage of the CO2 capture and storage (CCS) process, from gas intake to CO2 utilization.

Access the Webinar


Our Team of Experts

Our teams provide innovative, reliable and cost effective solutions that can scale as your projects grow. We are successfully partnering with dominant Carbon Capture Technology & Solution developers in order to produce scalable total systems and their go-to-market execution.

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Kristof Suykerbuyk

Sustainable Energy Markets Manager EMEIA

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We are a member of the Carbon Capture & Storage Association

What is Carbon Capture?

What is Carbon Capture and Storage?

How does Carbon Capture contribute towards net zero?